World Court’s decision

Farah Notash: Transcription                                                          24.07.2024

This is a watershed moment for Palestine, for justice and for international law.

Israel’s occupation has been declared unlawful by the World Court, which has stipulated that, it must be terminated completely and as rapidly as possible. The court also found that illegal Israel occupation violated the UN Charter of Human Rights.

The court further unequivocally declared that all Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestine territory are illegal and must be dismantled and that the Israeli settlers must be evacuated.

The court declared that the Israeli illegal occupation not only violated but eviscerates the Palestinian People’s Rights to self-determination on their own land, including the right of their own state. This ruling could not be more timely or sorely needed.

The Palestine People have endured unbearable suffering and injustice for decades.

This ruling is vindication of their steadfastness and perseverance. This Right must no longer denied or deferred.

The Court made it clear that the Palestinian people are the only sovereign in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem. And that the international community under an obligation, not just to reaffirm the Palestinian People’s Rights to self-determination, but to see it that, this Right, is implemented.

All States and the UN are now under obligation, not to recognize the legality of Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territory.

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