To the USA & CO

Farah Notash     Worlds Anti-imperialist Front     Women’s Power


It is unbearable to live in this horrible, disgraced world you have made. Stop the occupiers chewing Palestinian flesh. Stop this running disgrace!

What are you doing in this gloomy white house? Do you do anything else besides planning wars, massacres, invading and plundering resources of the southern countries!?

In that Gloomy white house, the first assistance to Joe Biden is a woman, Kamala Harris. She has been assisting this president all the bloody years gone to the world.  

I am asking Kamala Harris, not as a presidential assistant, but as a woman, and even more as a mother!

How can you say you are a woman and even more a mother, then tolerate the Palestinian flesh to be chewed for such a long time by the occupiers?

How can you say you are a woman-mother, and tolerate thousands of children limbs being amputated without anaesthesia?

How can you say you are a woman, and let the US bombs

constantly drop on people’s head in their houses!

How can you say you are a woman, and see the US bullets kill children or make them lifetime handicaps?

How can you say you are a woman, sit in that gloomy White house, and let them massacre the people with hunger or make them lifetime handicaps!

No! We women cannot be obedient servant for the men who can nothing but do genocides. We women are born to support children. This is our instinct and nature. We women are extremely, aggressive and strong in defending children.

We women are not going to be tolerant and silent for any price, under the humiliating domination of the few gas-oil maniac men. The men who are killing a nation to seize their gas-oil mines.

The supporting statement of 3 days ago by the presidents of Germany, France and Italy, reveals the reason of Netanyahu’s savagery in all these years. And even the emphasizing of pentagon’s chief in supporting Israel, was worst of all.

Women’s Power

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