Pro or Anti-imperialist!?

Farah Notash     Worlds Anti-imperialist Front     Woman’s-Power


The UK and the USA imperialists are responsible for establishing and promoting every single Islamic organisation and government in the world.

Therefore, one cannot claim to be Anti-imperialist and at the same time support the imperialist’s established Islamic governments or organisations!

The imperialists have established Islamists for the stability of their own position and colonial benefits. And the imperialists’ benefits, have always been, and will be, in antagonistic conflict with the worlds labour’s benefits.  

All the religions were parts of the supra-structure of the slavery and feudalist eras. They were harmonic to infra structure and productions of those eras.  In those eras the humans were traveling by horses, donkeys, or camels.

But in today’s technology, speed plays the most essential element. The people in different continent are in straight contact with each other, every minute they wish.

This imposed imperialists’ Islamism, is in real conflict with the

infra structure, and productions of today, in reach of everyone in the world. This antagonistic conflict is opposing human outlooks, needs, and wishes in the world.

This imposed conflict is also making everyone in the world unlucky. This impose Islamism, together with imposed wars, imposed terrorism, are the cause of all kinds of misery. But imperialists in their well-guarded palaces don’t mind that! 

All the religions are parts of ancient life. But imposing them as leading political lever, to the societies of today, is so harmful as dropping gift, instead of the polio vaccine, in the babies’ mouth. 

Imposing religion in politics, is a new chain for enslaving the masses.

This mixed up politics with illusions, instead of the real facts, is a pure charlatanism.

These imposed Islamism are to fool the masses in southern countries, and plunder their lands’ resources, by promising them heaven instead by their servant Mullahs!

Promoting fanatism, is a sick imperialist imposed foreign policy, as all kind of viruses spread by the US Path labs in the world.

The religions mixed in politics, are as an Iron hand on head of masses, to prevent them grow! Also, the imperialists by imposing Islamism to the south, prepare the masses in the north, for accepting the genocides in south, as unimportant clearance of fanatics.

Women’s Power

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