Netanyahu’s Las Vegas dreams

Farah Notash    World anti-imperialist Front   Women’s power


What US President Trump, has announced today is not knew, although the media want to show that Israeli Butchers are shocked! The happy grin on Netanyahu’s face, is showing he is thrilled that his dreams are coming true!  

It was sometimes after Gaza massacre 2008, when Netanyahu stated his dreams of Las Vegas! Saying how wonderful it will be to make Gaza as a Middle East Las Vegas!

What Trump suggests is not his own creation! They think they can ignore the worlds memory and intelligence.

Trump is continuing the policy which was dictated to Joe Biden.

Joe Biden was delivering the mother bombs of 2000 kilo each to Israel to destroy Gaza, and now his follower comes out with the Zionist idea of transferring Palestinians from Gaza, and capturing Gaza for the USA! And making it an International place!

Very funny! He must be truly a Zionist servant!

The US Electoral collages have elected a president, who is obedient servant of the US Zionists!

Easy takeover of a land with huge gas and oil mines! After it has been bombarded with the US bombs by the US Proxy Israel!

World! … Stand and throw out all the Israelis out of Palestine and the Middle East.

Give no chance to US-Israeli bulling commands run in media.

Give no chance to these inhuman bulling commands to be

repeated by the Zionist servants anywhere.

This barbarianism is totally wiping out all the millennia’s

human struggle for civilization.

Here we are on beginning of new slavery period!

Women’s Power

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