In the name of humanity!

Farah Notash      World’s Anti-imperialist Front   Women’s Power 04.09.2024

According to the final decision of the International Court, Israeli Netanyahu, his defend minister Galant and 3 Hamas leaders are to be arrested as war criminals.

Israel says that has killed 2 of the Hamas leaders and Yahya Sinwar, is in the Gaza Tunnels.

But, the US Puppet Injustice Department, ignoring the World International court’s final decision, with shut eyes over mega genocide in Gaza, by the Israeli mega killers, Netanyahu and Galant, has decided punishment only for Sinwar and Gaza militants!!!!

 And has left these innocent Israeli killers to continue the massacre!

Also, this Puppet Injustice Department has condemned Iran and Lebanon’s Hizballah for helping Hamas financially and by arms.

 And it has shut its eyes on the US governments constant over loading Israeli armouries, with all sorts of arms, to support this ongoing colonial mega genocide in Gaza!

 And has allowed these innocent Israeli killers to continue with massacres in Gaza!

The US Injustice Department has ignored and disrespected,

the World’s court and its decision,

the human civilization,

has taken a sham less steps to ruin humanity on earth

and has opened a way to destroy the Earth Glob.

 In fact, this court hasn’t made any judgment, has just opened an easy colonial killing way for US – Israel to conquer Palestine.

 The USA and its Injustice Department are strongly condemned for supporting this nonstop ongoing colonial mega genocide in Gaza and aggression in West-bank.

And in the name of “human civilisation” leading to the idea of establishment of United nation and its court” and in respect to the fair decision of the UN’s court on Gaza case,

All the humans are asked, to rip up the human mask on the face of the US Monsters!

 And all humans on earth are asked to stand against, this inhuman vulgar colonial manoeuvre!

This US arrogant announcement as a court decision, is a pure

insult to the sense and intelligence of all humans on earth and is strongly condemned.

Women’s Power

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