
Dedicated to all the progressives in occupied Palestine

Dear Nurit


everlasting eternal name

constantly written…days and nights

In past… one hundred years

with squirting red blood

from cut arteries of millions

on the painful chest… of Palestine land

recalls it history… all documented

you… coming

from the darkest part of earth

living in houses…

                              built over…people’s ruined houses  

                              built over… hearts of millions killed people   

                              built over… grave of children’s wish               

is… absolute acceptance

and total approval

of the disgusting…shameful occupation and killings

nothing disturbs your conscience?

living…in an illegal land

in an illegal house

you feel at home there?

no rejection …no reaction

against all the injustice going on there

Putting spotlight… on lateral problems

to help and give an ease…to dreadful Zionists

the misery maker for all…for expansion of self-benefits

to help them… get out of …

dishonored hateful position for killings

help them to take

the criminal occupation… into shade!

you feel at ease…in this way?

splash water on fire

the peace… you are supporter

is accepting to be lynched… with smile

is accepting to have sharp side of sword

on bared neck

aren’t these all… further procedures

of that big conspiracy?


to forget…source of pains and wounds

real stabs of occupation

and smooth path…for further occupation?

we need visa to enter lands

also working and staying permit

have you… them all?

or… you have been born in there?

on push… and deceiving period of Zionists


living longer… in the occupied Palestine

is considered as …

an approval stamp… a yes vote

to…illegal occupation…to killings

though… world saw

majority of occupiers

voted the killers

at the recent …so called election!

please respect laws and borders

never enter without a permission …visa

to people’s home… or their land

attacks…wars and killings


is not accepted as a base 

for a national identification

please respect

human laws… and human rights

never go back…

never enter Palestine

without … a visa

never accept to be…an occupier




Farah Notash

Vienna April 2009

Poem book 6

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