Antony Blinken… stop promoting the war criminals!

Farah Notash         Worlds Anti-imperialist Front          Women’s Power


The following explanation comes under each (ICJ) Declarations.

Instead of arresting the war criminals of both side in the Gasa case, you keep

ignoring the court, and its order, on arresting Netanyahu and 3 Hamas leaders

according to the

These mega criminals of Israel and from the other side, are both US allies, and the parts of the US Killing Machine, which freely have been slaughtering the people. Stop these inhuman games! Stop addressing these mega criminals, as nothing has happened! Arrest them now! This is what the world wants.

The world is aware of the US games. The USA is overloading Israel with all sorts of weapons, then gives out peace statements! Stop playing with worlds conscious. Stop ignoring the human civilisation. Stop imposing colonialist savagery to possess nations’ resources. Get out of Palestine. Send back all the deceived Jews to where they belong. Stop this inhuman conspiracy.

There is no Israel. There has never been Israel. There is only one occupied Palestine. That is the one and only fact, and the rest, colonialists’ bull shit stories.

The world has not forgotten Yugoslavia 1999, which was continuously bombed by NATO from March to June, and the “Kuma NoVo” Agreement, which had to be signed  on 9th June 1999!

Of course that is never possible against darling Israeli mega criminal occupiers!

Besides, you keep ignoring the UN! And offer the UN duties to Netanyahu. Establishment of the future Palestinians’ government is UN’s duty, and not the mega criminal Netanyahu’s!’’

You need to be reminded repeatedly, that in the case of Palestine, you are facing the world and not Egypt, Imaret, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, or Iran’s Mullah Regime! Now the world is supporting Palestinians. Forget about Hamas and its Israeli Promoters and Mullah supporters.  The world is supporting the innocent nation which has been attacked by maniac colonialists for the past 76 years.

But you have not been able to fulfil your aim yet, therefore you still need Hamas as an excuse for further attacks, and killings, till total occupation. That is why you keep defining the Gaza Massacre, as Israeli-Hamas war! But the US-Israel killer machine, just kills the civilians.

They are killed, because they are the owners of mega oil and gas mines.

They are killed because the USA needs a footstep in the Middle East for further plundering!

The world is supporting Palestine, because is sick and tired of the US -Israeli domination. And wants to bury for good, the US one pole leadership.

Women’s Power

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