
Missed in "Rossauer-Lände" (Vienna) on 28th November 2006.
If you have Information please contact Farah Notash 0699 108 29 578
Demanding for Light (60x80cm)
wooden tables -1980
Acrylic with polyester polish
150 x 150 cm and 200 x 150 cm
from "Beginning with the Sun" (1976)

Going towards the sun-3
oil on canvas (60x80cm)
Coming with the sun
oil on canvas (60x80cm)
Surrounding the sun -2
oil on canvas (60x70cm)
Dominating dark
oil on canvas (130x230cm)
Going towards the sun-4
oil on canvas (80x110cm)
oil on canvas (60x70cm)
Birth with the sun
oil on canvas (60x80cm)
Bringing the sun
oil on canvas (90x 130 cm)
(has been stolen)
(دزدیده شده است)
oil on canvas (70x70cm)
Father and son
oil on canvas (50x60cm)
Surrounding the sun -3
oil on canvas (60x70cm)
Going towards the sun-2
oil on canvas (60x80cm)
from "Trees" (1978)

Sun and growth
oil on canvas (80x80 cm)
Grow popies of their blood
oil on canvas (100x100 cm)
Unity in prison
oil on canvas (100x100 cm)
Red Rothe of earth
oil on canvas (100x100 cm)
Dandelion brings news
oil on canvas (90x90 cm)
All those executions
oil on canvas (90x90 cm)
Without sunshine
oil on canvas (70x70 cm)
Light in gloomy night
oil on canvas (70x70 cm)
Sun rise of knowledge
oil on canvas (45x65 cm)
Cold with no sun
oil on canvas (70x70 cm)
Freedom and poppies
oil on canvas (30x30 cm)
oil on canvas (60x60 cm)
Freedom and poppies
oil on canvas (60x60 cm)
Drops running water
oil on canvas (70x70 cm)
Freedom and field of poppies
oil on canvas (90x90 cm)
A drop of blood
oil on canvas (70x70 cm)
All those intellectuals’ executions
oil on canvas (100x100 cm)
No light no water no leaves
oil on canvas (70x70 cm)
No freedom
oil on canvas (70x70 cm)
Unity and victory
oil on canvas (130x130 cm)
Light and green
oil on canvas (70x70 cm)
from "Social Realism" (1976-80)
oil on Canvas
قیام مسلحانه و اعتصاب کارگران نفت Armed rise and strike of oil workers 196x315cm

رفته گر Street sweeper
شهریور1357 Jale Square on Black Friday 7th Sep 1978 90x 130cm
آزادی زندانی سیاسی Protesting for freedom of political prisoners 80x100cm
قیام زحمتکشان Rise of labourers 80x120cm
رنج زنان Women’s sorrow 220x 420cm 1996
قیام کارگر – Protesting Worker
سینما رکس آبادان Cinema Rex Abadan- 19th Aug 1978 100x200cm
بالون آمریکا US Ballon 90x120cm
اعتصاب غذای زنان زندانی سیاسی political women prisoners’ hunger strike 82x110cm
خیزش زنان سرخ Rise of leftist women 70x100cm
شکنجه زندانی سیاسی 1976 Political prisoners tortured 100x120cm
قیام زحمتکشان Rise of labourers 80x120cm
پرچم سوزان Burning flag 85x 115cm
سیاهکل Siahkal- Guerilla movement in Iran 1970 80x120cm
اعدام روشنفکران Intellectuals’ execution 90x130cm
تظاهرات شبانه Protests in nights 100x120cm
شب های شعر 1357 10 - Poem reading nights pro Revolution 1978 130x200cm
مادر زندانی A political prisoner’s mother 60x80cm
اعتصاب غذای مردان زندانیان سیاسی Hunger strike of political prisoners 80x120cm
Foreign Policy


US posters
Acryl on cardboard
50x70 cm