UN, EU, Russia and China The cry of Iran’s Prisoners for help

UN, EU, Russia and China
The cry of Iran’s Prisoners for help

Farah Notash     Vienna 9.7.2019

Behind the ongoing tension in the Warm Waters, not only the USA has profited by making Saudi Arabia and the Middle East into its weapons arsenal; the Mullah Regime has also taken hypocritical steps, for its own corrupt future profits.

The 47th article of the criminal law recently confirmed and notified after Mullah Ebrahim Raisi was appointed as “Chief Justice of the Judicial System of Iran” by the Leader in Iran, allows the Mullah Regime to surgically remove any of the organs of prisoners before or after their execution. This law legalizes the ownership of humans in Iran by the Mullah Regime. For they can be arrested anywhere and given a death sentence with no question of delay or hesitation. If Trump thinks he can use sanctions to make people protest against the Mullahs, this is the real situation going on in Iran.

The new laws were presented by Iran’s well-known executioner with 40 years’ experience, and now the Chief Justice of the Judicial System of Iran. These laws were already approved by the leader when they were proposed several months ago but were only made public during the tensions.

In the past forty years of smuggling products through illegal private tax-free borders by Mullahs and Revolutionary Guard, many of Iran’s factories and workshops have not been able to sell their products and have closed down. The jobless workers have been drowned in extreme poverty. They sometimes have had to sell their kidneys for money to feed their children. Now the murderer Mullah Regime is going to make a big profit by giving free endless death sentences in order to make big profits with the organs of innocent people.

For 40 years, all Iran’s’ prisons have been bleeding, due to the execution of thousands and thousands of Iran’s opposition and intellectuals. Besides, the starving jobless people who have had to sell drugs to survive are being given death sentences.

This horrible Mullah regime which seems to stand up against the USA & Co warmongers, is a true shame for humanity in the 21st century. It is like promising to cure cancer, but giving leprosy instead.

After 40 years of free use of Iran’s budget for corruption and criminality, now they are planning ownership of people’s bodies too. This cannot go on.

The Mullah School in Iran has been totally under the domination of the Moslem Brotherhood. In 1928 the Moslem Brotherhood was established by Britain in Ciro, with branches through to Iraq and Iran. Ruhollah Khomeini was a follower and the first terror attack on his order was the assassination of Ahmad Kasravi, Iran’s great writer, in Tehran in 1945. Even the seizure of 100 Iranian oil tankers in Gibraltar would not change history. Everyone knows the UK! A wise man never puts all his eggs in one basket!

No hell on earth is like Iran’s Fashafuieh prison. Last month a political prisoner, 22-year-old Alireza Shirr- Mohamad-Ali, who had sworn at the Leader, was killed there with 37 knife stabs by two life-sentenced murderers, who were supposed to be released. The number of knife stabs was the same as the number of stabs that killed the Persian writer in 1945.

This double criminality of killing and stealing organs in Iran should be stopped at once. Let us not be indifferent to this great disaster of our era.

The USA should leave the warm waters at once. The presence of the USA in the warm waters prolongs the life of the Mullah Regime.

The Mullah Regime should get out of all other lands.

No to USA & Co

No to Mullahs in all their forms and branches

People’s Front to Rescue Iran (3rd line)



Women’s Power

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