Nobel peace prize

Nobel peace prize


They have not given
The… Nobel Peace prize
To Ehud Barak

It is getting late
Is mid February 2oo9
Though…killing in Gaza
Still… going on
After recent massacre
December… 27th  2008
But …it is getting late
They haven't given
The Nobel Peace Prize
To…Ehud Barak
Nor Shimon Perez
Nor other killers
Mass murderers
Of Gaza massacre

I hear cries
Nightly massacre
Of …Deir Yasin
Irgun butcher
Menachem Begin
Well known winner of
Nobel peace prize
Victorious for
Mopping up operation
Of…Deir Yasin…
Moshe Dayane …Ariel Sharon...Bashir Jumayel
So many butchers…killers
Surely… the peace heroes!
Leading massacres
 Listed  candidates!

It is getting late!
What would ever say?
Masses of the world

Nobel Peace Prize!
And… discrimination!
Akh…it is getting late
Never can forget
This deadly delay!

All known prizes
Are influenced
By Imperialists
Sly Zionists
Promoting figures
With the prizes
To use them as tools
In the crisis

Starts game again
The occupiers of

Palestine land
Help allies and bands…in presentation
Try to brake…the isolation
Having on shoulder
Worn out flags of…funny prizes
To help Zionists
Out of…crisis

Needs of today
Stop talking …and start action
Humanity…with no fraction
For the learning…
One century is long enough
Mopping up action, will go on…right to the end
Ehud promises …peace in three years
Dream maniacs…further massacres

A true action
Take huge steps… for immigration
Time is flying
Mirrors tired… of faces lying
Arrange movement if… you are human
Unbearable…man to killed a man
Bring back Jews to their own… home and lands
Or else where
Clean the life from …blood washing hands
United States…now is finished
Bankrupt…beggar… imperialist!
Loves Zionists?
Good…can take them all
Can not be help…for parasitical living
One should work for his living
Afghanistan…Iraq…Iran and
All are Parts of…the Middle East
Stop showing… knife in the fist



Farah  Notash

Vienna April-2009

Book 6


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