Historical demonstration in Vienna against mandatory vaccination
Farah Notash Vienna 20.11.2021
Although FPÖ (Austrian Freedom Party) extreme right, had the initiative for this demonstration, but the participation of great number of people, independent of any parties or political organisations, made this rally, a historical demonstration.
There was not a single flag of any party, all along this endless rally.
There were Austrian flags, very long printed canvases with elements, pictures and slogans against dictatorship of the parties in power, OVP (Austrian people party) and the Green party, slogans like: Finish corona fascism, Leave our children alone, together with the strokes of the drums were not the only presentations of this huge rally. The handwritings on cartons which were carried by individuals, such as: Nuremberg tribunal for government, stop experimenting on us, my body belongs to me and I decide for it, explained the deep anger of a nation against the new world reset under the umbrella of Covid 19 and its vaccination.
The historical demonstration started at 12.30 in Helden square in front of Chancellor’s office, and at 6pm the city’s central belt was under the steps of angry men and women from different stratums and nations of the society, against government’s decision still hot.
In the two entanglements with police, few people were arrested and there were no further problem.
To establish a herd immunity, EU has asked all the member countries for vaccination of 64% of the population.
This number has raised to 70 and 80 % and now to mandatory vaccination. Whereas no country chooses the Vaccine , and EU has decided buying the USA and UK vaccines.
The Austrian chancellor, Alexander Schallenberg has announced the mandatory vaccination from 1st of February 2022. Therefore, the people of Austria in this huge rally have asked for a Nuremberg Tribunal for the government!
Although invitations have been sent to some unvaccinated people in Austria recently, to go and get vaccinated on the date given, but after this historical demonstration, there is no other choice for the government, except stepping back from mandatory Vaccination.
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